Top Tips For Renting Within Sydney

Having no rental history is something every prospective renter faces at one point in their lifetime. For those in this position, it’s particularly important to provide as much financial information as possible along with references such as current or previous employers.

By providing adequate evidence to support your ability to pay rent, most landlords and tenants will have no issues renting to a tenant with no history.

In most states, renters can also appoint a “guarantor”, otherwise known as a rental guarantee. A guarantor is person or entity, such as a family member or employer, who agrees to be responsible for the renter’s debt should the tenant fail to pay.

Casual workers, students, low income earners and pet owners may also find it challenging to secure a rental, but it’s not impossible.

How to apply for a rental property if you’re a casual worker

If you’re a casual worker and don’t have a regular salary that provides stable income, property managers and landlords will want to see:

  • Bank statements showing recent payments from casual work
  • A recent tax return showing your annual earnings
  • A letter from your employer verifying your income and character
  • A rental ledger showing proof of previous rental payments made

It can also be helpful for your application to nominate a guarantor such as a parent or relative who agrees to cover rent repayments if you are unable to.

How to apply for a rental property if you’re a student

It is against the law for a landlord to stop somebody from renting a property based on their age. With that in mind, so long as you can afford the rent, there is no reason being a student should limit your chances of renting a property.

Students need to provide evidence of their income to support their ability to pay rent such as pay slips from a casual job or statements showing Youth Allowance or Rent Assistance payments.

How to apply for a rental property if you’re a low income earner

When applying for a rental property, real estate agents and landlords look for evidence to support a person’s capacity to pay rent regularly and on time. For low income earners this may include allowances from Centrelink that provide a regular income along with pay slips from recent jobs.

Applications are often rejected because property managers determine that the property is outside the applicant’s price range. If the rent comes to more than 30 per cent of your household income, consider searching for properties in a more affordable area, or alternative accommodation options such as share housing.